Item number: 3665110480
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First account for sale. Comes with EVERYTHING on this page!!

This account is 47 months old and will have a erward available any day on it. It has no bad marks against it and is a superb account. The recources and items have taken years to collect and are worth MILLIONS in gold in the game. Every character has their own ethereal animal to ride plus some as back ups. This is a excellent account for someone looking to get right to playing and doesnt want to waste years building skills.

Warrior and the lower portion of the 18x18 in malas

The library is quite detailed and is great for finding new spots to hunt.

Mage in the library of the 18x18 in Malas

Value of rares pictured is around 20 million gold easily!!

T hunter in the meeting room in the 18x18 in Malas (Thunter has over 100 level 3-5 maps still undone)

Tamer Bard in dueling area of 18x18 in Malas. His stables are full of great pets.

Craftsman in 18x18 in Malas. He has HUGE amount of resources in his bank AND at the house. He can make ANYTHING in the game.